{"pageProps":{"locale":"en","_nextI18Next":{"initialI18nStore":{"en":{"header":{"Home":"Home","Company":"Company","Features":"Features","GetStarted":"Get Started"},"features":{"answer1":"You can create an account on Tinvio (dashboard or mobile app) within a minute to start managing chats, orders, and invoices. For payments, our Customer Success team will reach out for account verification and onboarding. Once verified, you'll be good to go!","answer2":"This dashboard is an easy all-in-one interface for you to manage chats, orders, invoices, and payments with your merchants. Merchants just need to download the free Tinvio mobile app to exchange messages, place orders, and make payments. It’s zero friction for them!","answer3":"Once your account is verified, you'll be able to request and reconcile payments for all your orders and invoices on Tinvio. Your merchants will receive notifications for each payment request in their favorite channels (e.g. Tinvio app, WhatsApp), and they'll be able to complete payment in a fast and flexible checkout experience. You'll receive real-time updates and reports for all your payments!","answer4":"We’re always enabling new payment methods. Our Customer Success teams will advise on the available methods in your market (including transaction fees for that method). In general, we support bank transfers, credit cards, and B2B BNPL options!","answer5":"If you're already signed up, you can live chat with \"Team Tinvio\" in the dashboard or mobile app. Otherwise, you can contact us at support@tinvio.com for more information!","ctaReady":"Are you ready?","ctaTitle":"Supercharge your business, the Tinvio way.","heroText":"From orders to real-time cash in your bank. Run your business like a rockstar.","rockstar":"It's your business. Run it like a rockstar","ctaButton":"Get Started","heroTitle":"One dashboard, all your supply chain transactions","question1":"How to get started with Tinvio?","question2":"How does Tinvio work?","question3":"How to collect payments on Tinvio?","question4":"What are the supported payment methods?","question5":"I have more product questions! Who do I contact?","heroButton":"Try It for Free","ordersText":"Customers will love that they can browse item catalogs and check availability before placing orders. You’ll receive orders in beautifully formatted lists with clear inventory balances. Confirm or amend them in a few taps, even when on-the-go!","ordersTitle":"Breeze through orders without the stress","invoicesText":"Send invoices digitally, and track them all the way until they're paid. It's easier to reconcile and more organized than printouts. If they're overdue, automatically send a friendly reminder or two!","paymentsText":"Give customers a modern B2B payments experience, with more ways to pay (including credit terms). Zero setup or risk for you. They'll stay with you longer, purchase more from you, and you'll get cash in your bank so much faster!","invoicesTitle":"Send invoices, save the trees","paymentsTitle":"Make collections fast, flexible, fun","separatorText":"Sounds easy? Supply chain transactions don't have to be complicated","getSmarterText":"Monitor your transactions activity on one dashboard. Generate customized order, inventory, and payments reports. Prevent fraud, improve operations, manage working capital, and grow grow grow!","getSmarterTitle":"Get smarter about all the little details","separatorButton":"Get Started","introductionMore":"And more in one dashboard","introductionChats":"Chats","introductionShare":"Share Payments Links","introductionTitle":"Supercharge your business with Tinvio","introductionOrders":"Orders","introductionPayments":"Payments","introductionChatsText":"Send messages, invoices, and payment links directly to customers (even if they're not on Tinvio)","introductionOrdersText":"Manage all your orders, and magically update inventory in a format designed to prevent mistakes","introductionManageOrders":"Manage orders","introductionPaymentsText":"Collect payments and reconcile against invoices, without ever checking bank statements","introductionSendMessages":"Send Messages","introductionCreateInvoices":"Create Invoices","introductionManageOrdersText":"Yay, you've got a new order! Check and confirm the order in lightning speed","goodbyeTitle":"Say goodbye to inventory spreadsheets","goodbyeDescription":"Record inventory stock-ins and we’ll do the math for you for every order you ship out. In and out, like magic. Track what’s available, what’s in shortage, what’s to be shipped, all at one glance and in real-time – it’s that effortless!"},"main":{"formMap":"Or meet us in","formName":"Name","formPhone":"Phone","formPhonePlaceholder":"9123 4567","formTitle":"Fill up the form and we'll get in touch within a few hours","whyChoose":"Why choose Tinvio?","FeaturedOn":"Featured On","footerHome":"Home","formButton":"Submit","smileTitle":"We'll put a smile on your supply chain","footerLogin":"Login","footerTerms":"Terms of Service","formHeadingBefore":"Hi, we're","formHeadingAfter":"And you?","previewTitle1":"Collecting payments","previewTitle2":"is easy,","previewTitle3":"right?","previewText":"Manage all your supply chain transactions in one dashboard. Get paid faster, reconcile quicker, grow bigger.","footerRights":"© Tinvio™ 2022. All Rights Reserved","smileContent":"happy businesses","footerCompany":"Company","footerPrivacy":"Privacy Policy","moreMoneyTab1":"Chats","moreMoneyTab2":"Orders","moreMoneyTab3":"Payments","previewButton":"Get Started Now","footerFeatures":"Features","moreMoneyTitle":"Smarter supply chain transactions","formUnderButton":"No spam, promise","howItWorksChats":"Chats","howItWorksTitle":"Tinvio in a heartbeat","moreMoneyButton":"More Features","moreMoneyTitle1":"More buddy","moreMoneyTitle2":"More speedy","moreMoneyTitle3":"More money","formBusinessName":"Business Name","formBusinessNamePlaceholder":"Burgers & Boba (Singapore)","howItWorksButton":"Play Video","howItWorksOrders":"Orders","howItWorksContent":"Exchange messages, create or confirm orders, send invoices, and collect payments across your supply chain -- all within one dashboard.","moreMoneyTab1Row1":"Send invoices and easily track them until they're paid","moreMoneyTab1Row2":"Real-time payments settlement and reconciliation","moreMoneyTab1Row3":"Safe, secure, and compliant","moreMoneyTab2Row1":"Create or confirm purchase orders at lightning speed","moreMoneyTab2Row2":"Manage inventory details and availability in real-time","moreMoneyTab2Row3":"24/7 order insights and data reports","moreMoneyTab3Row1":"Create chats with any business (even if they're not on Tinvio)","moreMoneyTab3Row2":"Fully integrated with your favorite chat apps","moreMoneyTab3Row3":"Real-time messages and alerts","previewButtonText":"It's free to try!","howItWorksPayments":"Payments","howItWorksChatsText":"Connect to anyone in your supply chain and exchange messages","howItWorksOrdersText":"Create or confirm purchase orders with tap of a button.","howItWorksPaymentsText":"Send invoices and reconcile payments in one dashboard","whyChooseSlide1":"Tinvio has been a foundational partner and solution. We now have faster and more efficient communication with our clients, which makes order processing and deliveries smoother than ever before.","whyChooseSlide2":"With Tinvio, it's easier for my customers to make payments across various methods. Every payment is also collected in one business account where funds can be withdrawn instantly at any time.","whyChooseSlide3":"Tinvio helps our business run smoother. We can manage our customer's orders, receivables, and most importantly, trace and reconcile their payments without checking banking apps or statements.","whyChooseSlide4":"Tinvio definitely helps to reduce the time and errors in order management between customers and suppliers. It’s super easy to use and available on mobile and web, and the team are friendly and always helpful.","whyChooseSlide5":"Before Tinvio, we had so many frustrations with manual orders. Wrong item details, outdated inventory availability, unclear order statuses etc. Today, our order process is automated for us, and simple for all our customers.","whyChooseSlide6":"Tinvio helps when it comes to handling large transactions. Our buyers get an easy way to complete payments digitally without having to use cash or multiple bank transfers. We receive money faster than before."},"common":{"formErrors":{"invalidName":"Invalid Name","invalidBusinessName":"Invalid Business Name","invalidPhoneNumber":"Invalid phone number"}}}},"initialLocale":"en","userConfig":{"i18n":{"defaultLocale":"en","locales":["en","vn","th","id"],"localeDetection":true},"default":{"i18n":{"defaultLocale":"en","locales":["en","vn","th","id"],"localeDetection":true}}}}},"__N_SSG":true}